Remember sleeping in your grandmother's sofa bed in the basement and waking up on a bare mattress with the sheets rolled up at your feet? Your guests and loved ones will avoid that very situation when you treat them to a comfortable night's sleep by making your sofa bed cozy and hospitable. With sheets that fit right and stay tight, they'll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Custom Linens Direct Sofa Bed Sheets are uniquely crafted with the top and bottom sheets sewn together at the foot of the bed ensuring that the top sheet "stays put" without getting sucked up into your couch. These Sofa Bed Sheets are specially sized with a 6" mattress depth and have elastic sewn all the way around for a secure fit. These sets for your pull-out couch come in 5 different fabrics and a plethora of colors, so everyone can find their unique style. Our sheets don't just look great; they also feel great and will get softer for years to come. If you can't find your size listed here, we can make custom sets to your exact specifications. All of our sheets are proudly made in the USA and created from sustainably sourced, premium quality material.